March 17th, 2021

This month, we’re thrilled to announce the release of our first Gallery MAR Book. Within its pages, we have curated a beautiful, streamlined written and visual experience of your favorite art gallery: Gallery MAR.

Within our first volume, you will discover…


Fresh art from our 35 represented artists in the gallery


In situ photos of our artists’ work installed in collectors’ homes


Exclusive interviews with our artists


In situ photos of our artists’ work in corporate collections


An introduction to the new Gallery MAR Art Lounge on Swede Alley


Immersive collector experiences with our artists


Gallery MAR – Volume I will be available to special collectors to and home with you the stunning visuals and fascinating stories of our ever new, constantly evolving gallery.


Written by Veronica Vale

Gallery MAR Book – Volume I written and designed by Veronica Vale